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How to become a member ?

Would you like to become a member of the association and join a group of companies and enterprises who want to professionally and constructively contribute to the development of waste management in the Slovak Republic?

Please fill in the attached sign-up form if you want to become a member of the association and join a group of companies and enterprises who want to professionally and constructively contribute to the development of waste management in the Slovak Republic.


Legal entities and sole proprietors can obtain membership in the association so long as they do business in the waste management sector and if such person or entity:

a Conducts its activities in the Slovak Republic
b Conducts its activities following applicable waste management and business laws and regulations in the Slovak Republic (maintains complete waste records, payment records and photo documentation, only uses calibrated scales)
c Has all valid permits needed to conduct its specific activities
d Undertakes to support the goals and objectives and respect the principles of membership in the ANSDS

A sole proprietor or legal entity that meets the conditions for acceptance as an ANSDS member on the basis of a completed sign-up form along with a valid original excerpt from the Commercial Register or Trade License Register shall be informed of the next steps within the acceptance process. The Board of Directors or a meeting of the members of the association shall decide on accepting new members.

ANSDS entrance fee Sole proprietor:      €100
  Legal entity: €300
Monthly ANSDS membership fee:  €20