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Pursuant to Act No. 83/1990 Coll. on Civil Associations, as amended (Hereinafter only "Act No. 83/1990 Coll.")

Association of Independent Secondary Raw Materials Processors


Basic Provisions

Name: Asociácia nezávislých spracovateľov druhotných surovín
Registered office: Registered office: Moravská 7, 831 03 Bratislava – Nové Mesto

The Association of Independent Secondary Raw Materials Processors (ANSDS) pursuant to Act No. 83/1990 Coll. is a voluntary association of sole proprietors and legal entities doing business inside and outside of Slovakia in the field of secondary raw materials processing (purchasing, sales and wholesaling of waste and scrap materials) and in the field of waste management.

The ANSDS is an open, separate and independent legal entity conducting its activities pursuant to the defined articles and internal regulations in full compliance with the laws of the Slovak Republic. The ANSDS acts in its own name within legal matters it enters into and takes full responsibility for the duties and obligations that arise of such basis.


Goals of the Association of Independent Secondary Raw Materials Processors (ANSDS)

The mission and objective of the ANSDS is primarily to represent its members in front of all public authorities, local government institutions, the government of the Slovak Republic, the Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic, the National Council of the Slovak Republic and auditors from abroad as well as other authorities and individuals with respect to any amendments to Act No. 223/2001 Coll. on Waste as amended (hereinafter only "Waste Act"). The association's primary goal is to implement the rights and justified interests of its members in front of all these authorities and institutions and to regularly provide information to members of the association on changes in legislation, the market situation and prognoses for future development. ANSDS members have eminent interest in membership in the ANSDS to have the ANSDS represent them in all matters and affairs described in this article of the ANSDS articles.


Membership in the Association of Independent Secondary Raw Materials Processors

ANSDS membership is voluntary. Any sole proprietor or legal entity doing business in the field of purchasing, sales and wholesaling of waste and that agrees with the ANSDS articles can be an ANSDS member after completing a written sign-up form.

The ANSDS sign-up form must be completed in writing and submitted to the ANSDS address with the following details:

  • The name of the company or sole proprietorship doing business on the basis of a trade license
  • Registered office
  • Company ID, Tax ID and VAT ID if assigned
  • Contact address including contact person and contact details (phone, email)
  • Date and signature expressing consent to the articles and willingness to become an ANSDS member
  • Confirmation from the membership applicant to respect the articles and other internal regulations of the association
  • Confirmation from the membership applicant that the applicant has no outstanding financial obligations to the state

Membership is effective upon a written decision from the ANSDS Executive Committee.

Membership is only terminated:
a) Upon the death or winding up of a member
b) Upon a written decision from the Executive Committee
c) Upon written notice delivered to the ANSDS registered office in which the member indicates waiver of membership

A member is entitled to the following:
a) Partake in the association's activities pursuant to the articles and other legal regulations
b) Be elected into the bodies of the association and to elect such bodies
c) Propose measures to the association's bodies leading to the fulfilment of the association's goals and objectives

A member is obliged to:
a) Refrain from actions that are in dispute with the association's goals and objectives
b) Respect the articles of the association
c) Pay the membership fee as follows: legal entity: €500, sole proprietorship: €100
d) Contribute to the activities of the association in the form of a monthly contribution of €20 sent to the account number notified by the Executive Committee.


Bodies of the Association of Independent Secondary Raw Materials Processors

ANSDS bodies are defined as follows:

  • a) General Meeting
  • b) Executive Committee
  • c) Board of Directors
  • d) Audit Commission


General Meeting of Members

The general meeting is composed of all members of the association. The general meeting of ANSDS members decides on the basis of simple majority voting involving those members present at the meeting. The general meeting of ANSDS members makes decision on the dissolution of the association upon merger with another association or voluntary dissolution of the association, approves the articles, any amendments thereto and elects and recalls members of the Executive Committee.


Executive Committee

The initial members of the Executive Committee are as follows:
1) Ing. Juraj Hrivnák, Ulica Obrancov mieru 13, 902 01 Pezinok
2) Ing. Ľubomír Drobný, PhD., Na križovatkách 33, 821 04 Bratislava
3) Ing. Vladimír Skarka, Hnojník 434, 739 53 Frýdek Místek

The Executive Committee is obliged to explain and defend its actions to the general meeting and manages the association's activities in between general meetings; members of the Executive Committee select and recall a chairperson from its members, call and prepare materials for general meetings, make decisions on how to dispose of ANSDS property and membership contributions, elect the Audit Commission and decide to accept or reject ANSDS members.

Members of the Executive Committee 1) and 2) above along with a member of the Audit Commission 1) pursuant to Section VIII herein are also members of the preparatory committee pursuant to Act No. 83/1990 Coll. authorized to submit the petition to register the ANSDS.


Board of Directors

The first elected Chairperson is:
1) Ing. Juraj Hrivnák, Ulica Obrancov mieru 13, 902 01 Pezinok

The elected Deputy Chairpersons are:
1) Ing. Ľubomír Drobný PhD., Na križovatkách 33, 821 04 Bratislava
2) Ing. Vladimír Skarka, Hnojník 434, 739 53 Frýdek Místek

The Board of Directors is the statutory body of the ANSDS. At least 2 members of the Board of Directors are required to undertake any action in the name of the ANSDS.


Audit Commission

The first members of the Audit Commission have been defined as follows:
1) Ondrej Paprčiak, Divina – Lúky 54, 013 31
2) Fedor Hotový, Nerudova 1305/15, 902 01 Pezinok
3) Mgr. Róbert Fuchsberger, Viničná 20, 900 27 Bernolákovo

The Audit Commission checks on the financial managment of the association, highlights insufficiencies to other bodies and proposes measures to remedy such issues; it also checks to ensure compliance with the articles and other internal regulations.


Financial Management of the Association of Independent Secondary Raw Materials Processors

The ANSDS disposes of both movable and real estate assets. The sources of such property are primarily:

  • Membership contributions
  • Gifts
  • Subsidies and grants

The Executive Committee is responsible for its financial management.


Final Provisions

The ANSDS may be dissolved voluntarily or upon merger with another association as decided by the general meeting. If the ANSDS is dissolved, the Executive Committee shall define a liquidation trustee to settle all of its liabilities and receivables and dispose of the balance after such liquidation following the decision of the general meeting.

The ANSDS is a legal entity with legal subjectivity pursuant to Act No. 83/1990 Coll. The Chairperson represents the association externally.

The ANSDS is created on the date of its registration at the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic.

These articles are valid for an indefinite period of time. Requisite provisions of Act No. 83/1990 Coll. apply to all matters that are not specifically stipulated in these articles.

JUDr. Jana Vallová, PhD.
Head of Department
of Internal Affairs